231 Front Street, Lahaina, HI 96761 info@givingpress.com 808.123.4567

Donate Us

We at Enlightened Kumud Trust believe in creating a happy and prosperous future for all the children and the women of the society. Enlightened Kumud Trust works for the betterment of women and children from the underprivileged background. We have been working rigorously to make the society a better place to live for the women and children. We need your support as well to achieve this dream of ours. You can help us by giving donation. Your donation will further our vision of ensuring a happy and healthy life of India’s underprivileged women and children. Donate to make a change.

So how can you become a part of this beautiful and positive change?

Your donation will be used to purchase their stationery items like copy, books etc.

Your small donation can change the life of these children. So Donate Now!

Organiser details

Enlightened Kumud is working at the grass root level, believe that these are inter-related fields and together the only way to make a sustainable and impactful difference in the beneficiary population.